Health and Wellness

6 Nigerian soups you should try it you want to consume more vegetable

Discoveries are constantly made in different facets of life and they generally help our lifestyle for the better, healthy food combinations are discovered and health benefits of some well-known foods are made bare, this steady information has caused people to be more cautious of what they eat and how they eat. Moderation is important when avoiding health problems, this is what I always tell people, and with time they get to see the truth in that statement.

As more discoveries concerning foods are made, some people have found out that one of the best kinds of food to eat are vegetables, green leafy vegetables. These vegetables are of different species but they have so many valuable nutrients which when consumed are translated to good health benefits, at this point, if you’re not eating to stay healthy then you might be consuming foods that might affect your health.

Narrowing down vegetables to green leafy vegetables, we have green vegetables that are stomach-friendly and well-eaten by Nigerians, they are easy to add to our diets and they give good nutrients, these vegetables include pumpkin leaf, okazi leaf, bitter leaf, waterleaf, scent leaf and more.

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These leaves are green vegetables and they can be eaten very well when used to cook soups, so if you’re looking to eat more vegetables, then try these six Nigerian soups you can eat.

1. Afang Soup.

This soup is cooked with vegetables like afang/okazi leaf and waterleaf, Afang soup is made with vegetables and it tastes good with dried fish. This soup can be eaten with swallow foods like eba, pounded yam, and fufu.

2. Egusi Soup.

Egusi soup is a popular Nigerian soup that is made from ground melon and a host of other ingredients, of the other ingredients are green vegetables like bitter leaf, pumpkin leaf, and waterleaf. Swallow foods are best eaten with soups and egusi soup is a good soup to try, you can also eat rice and egusi soup if you want to explore a little.

3. Black Soup.

Black soup is the traditional soup of the Edo people and it is made with vegetables such as scent leaf, uziza, bitter leaf, pumpkin leaf, and more, other ingredients for cooking black soup are bony fish, palm oil, locust beans, craft, etc.

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4. Ewedu Soup.

This is a traditional soup of the Yoruba people, it is cooked with jute leaves (ewedu leaves) and other ingredients, being a rich source of vegetables, you can eat ewedu soup if you need to consume more vegetables. Ewedu soup is popularly eaten with amala and the combination is a nice one.

5. Bitter Leaf Soup.

Bitter leaf soup is a traditional soup of the Igbo people, it is made with bitter leaf and other ingredients, this is to say that vegetables are used to prepare bitter leaf soup. Bitter leaf soup has a good taste and it can be eaten with a wide range of swallow foods.

6. Edikang Iknog.

From the look of this soup, it is obvious that vegetables are used to cook it, edikang ikong is the traditional soup of the Efik people and it contains both pumpkin leaves and waterleaf.

There are different vegetables with different names and they have health benefits and nutrients which they offer to those who eat them, the more healthy vegetables you eat, the better for you. So, eat healthy to stay healthy.

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