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Sharon Ooja Shares Inspiring Testimony of How God Orchestrated Her Marriage to Ugo Nwoke”

Nollywood actress Sharon Ooja recently opened up about how divine intervention led her to meet her husband, Ugo Nwoke. In a heartfelt testimony shared in her church, Sharon revealed the spiritual journey she undertook while waiting for her life partner. Despite achieving career success and personal growth, she felt a void when it came to finding love.

Sharon explained how she often prayed to God, asking, “You’ve given me work, financial stability, and I’m great at what I do, but there’s still one thing I’m waiting for.” For years, she kept her faith, trusting that her prayers for a partner would one day be answered.

Her life took a spiritual turn during a filming project in the desert, where she had a profound encounter with the Holy Spirit. She vividly recalled hearing a voice telling her to “leave her burdens” behind. This moment marked a major shift in her mindset, as she realized that focusing on personal growth was just as important as finding a partner.

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In addition to this spiritual awakening, Sharon credited her pastor for providing her with guidance. He advised her to reflect on her desires and work on becoming the best version of herself instead of seeking someone who would take care of her needs. This advice became a pivotal moment in her journey toward love and self-development.

Sharon’s prayers were finally answered when she met Ugo Nwoke, whom she married in June 2024. She expressed her deep gratitude for how God perfectly timed their meeting, noting that she was more confident, emotionally mature, and ready for a fulfilling relationship by the time they came together.

Through her testimony, Sharon hopes to inspire others to trust in God’s timing, emphasizing the importance of personal growth and letting go of one’s burdens. She believes that her marriage is a testament to the power of faith and patience, proving that the right person will come into your life when the time is right.

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