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Congratulations Pour as Love-up Photos of Fuji Musician Wasiu Ayinde and His New Wife, Emmanuella Ropo Surface

Many fans have congratulated the latest couple, as the loved-up photo of Fuji music, Wasiu Ayinde Marshal and his new wife, Emmanuella Ropo surface on social media.

Recall that the Oluaye Fuji has reached out to many celebrities and about 16 top Yoruba Obas to accompany him to Abeokuta for the Introduction ceremony which will be held soon and promises to be Grand, where he will formally ask for Emmanuella’s hand in marriage.

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Emmanuella is from Abeokuta, where she is titled Chief. That is why she likes to call herself a proud Egba Babe.

Wasiu Ayinde also slashes N85 Million on a new house for her in Lekki.

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