Sport News

England’s Controversial Penalty Call In Extra Time Raises Eyebrows

Raheem Sterling is the player who won the penalty that saw England through to a 1st major tournament final in years…..

However questions have been raised over the manner in which the penalty was won.


After playing to a 1-1 draw throughout the 90 minutes of full time, England scored the winner through Harry Kane At Extra Time after he finished off the rebound of an already saved penalty kick ..Kasper Schmeichel almost scrawled his name into the hearts of the danish fans but Kane was having nine of it.

In previous times Sterling has been accused of being a player who dives a lot in order to win cheap penalties and this attribute has made him to be hated by fans across England who even go as far as racially abusing him and issuing death threats on his social media accounts.

More recently, Sterling went down in the box after minimal contact from the danish defender to win the penalty at extra time which sent Denmark crashing out of the competition.

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Fans all over the world have had conflicting views on the authenticity of the penalty which was subject to a VAR review…

Most fans who aren’t fans of the both countries are of the view that the tackle was too weak to be given as a penalty and have for the umpteenth time slapped Sterling with the tag of being a diver.

This isn’t the 1st time Sterling has been accused of diving illicitly during matches as he has turned it into a regular act in the Premier League…

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