Health and Wellness

How to test if your honey is original

Honey is a nutritious syrup packed with vitamins which helps to keep you healthy. It is gotten from bees and it can be used as a perfect replacement for sugar. Many people love using honey and some manufacturers have capitalized on this to produce fake honey. People who produce adulterated honey add sugar syrup and other deceptive ingredients. If you love buying honey, you need to be very careful in order not to purchase fake ones.


This is an easy method used to check if your honey is original. Put water in a container and pour a table spoon of honey into the water. If the honey dissolves then it is fake. Once you notice that the honey coagulate or settle at the bottom, it is original.


Purified and natural honey is flammable due to the organic compounds it contains. When you dip a match stick into honey and strike it, if it lights up easily then the honey is original. If the match stick doesn’t light then the honey is fake.

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This is the easiest originality test that can be carried out. Put the honey on your thumb and leave it there for some time. If the honey begins to spread or wash away, then it is adulterated or fake. Original honey should always remain on your thumb without dripping.


When you rub the honey on a candle wick, strike a match stick on it. If you observe that the candle doesn’t light then the honey is fake. Once the candle light up and burns with flame then the honey is original.

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