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Lemon therapy rejuvenates body system, clears toxins, waste

FRUIT RIND: Lemon rind is good remedy for lack of appetite, indigestion, constipation and typhoid fever. Add the rind of 10 Lemon to four litres of water and bring to boil. Take a cup three times daily. Like the leaf, Lemon rind is a good worm expellant.
JUICE: Lemon juice is an excellent remedy for scurvy, a disease caused by lack of vitamin C. Vitamin C [ascorbic acid] is found in fruits and vegetables. Hence, scurvy is common among those whose diet is poor in fruits and vegetables. Drink half a glass of Lemon juice twice daily. You may sweeten it with honey if you wish. For indigestion, mix half a glass of Lemon juice with half a glass of water and drink daily.

This stimulates the activity of the digestive organs and strengthens the system. Due to the presence of hesperidins, diosmine and other flavonoids, Lemon juice and rind improves blood circulation and so are good for Oedema, hemorrhoids, heart problems, stroke and hypertension. It is scientifically proven that Lemon produces alkalinisation of the system, thus cleansing and re-invigourating the system. For tonsillitis and sore throat, mix half a cup of Lemon juice with four dessertspoons of honey. Warm it on fire and use to gaggle every morning and night. Lemon juice is very good for washing wounds.

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Steep a piece of cotton wool in the raw juice and use to clean the wound. Remember that Lemon juice is best taken fresh. It is not advisable to store Lemon juice for a long time. A lot of people have developed a habit of taking vitamin tablets daily.

What those people need to know is that fruits and vegetables are the best vitamins there are. Lemon is a good source of vitamins. Lemon juice is very good for kidney stones. Citrates [Citric acid salts], which are present in Lemon, not only prevent formation of kidney stones, but also help dissolve them. Drink half a cup of Lemon juice two times daily. You may dilute it with water or sweeten it with honey, depending on your taste.

An alternative is to dry Lemon seeds and then grind into powder. Mix one teaspoon of the powder with two dessertspoons of honey, then lick daily for three weeks. Never mistake the so-called bitter Lemon soft drink for real Lemon juice, far from it!

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In fact, it is not good for the body as it contains carbonic gas and sugar. For the treatment of arthritis, kidney stones, gout, constipation and hypertension, there is nothing as effective as the famous Lemon therapy. Lemon therapy is capable of rejuvenating the body system and clearing the body of all toxins and waste product, giving a feeling of well-being and lightness. Lemon therapy is indispensable in the treatment of cancer. Lemon therapy involves drinking the juice of Lemon in the following way. Take one Lemon the first day. Increase it to two the next day. Continue to add one extra Lemon each day until the tenth day.

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