Beauty tips

Local skin care products to add to your skincare routine

A woman’s skin and it’s care is a vital part of her beauty. Proper care of the skin enhances a woman’s beauty which is an area every woman should pay attention to.

Are you tired of using chemically induced products? We have carefully selected locally made natural skin care product that will enhance your beauty.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is a pale yellow substance extracted from the cocoa bean and it is high in antioxidants which helps to fight against skin aging, dark patches and dull skin.

Cocoa butter is widely noted to keep away stretch marks. It is high in fatty acids and helps the skin to stay hydrated. Cocoa butter makes an excellent skin moisturizer, plus it does more than just hydrate the skin. It  also helps actually heal the skin from the inside out.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil comes from the nut (fruit) of the coconut palm. Coconut oil is sometimes applied to the skin as a moisturizer, for neonatal health, and to treat eczema and a skin condition called psoriasis. Coconut oil helps to soothe the skin after shave, and also hydrates the skin.

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Shea Butter/ Ori

Shea butter is multi-functional. It is used on the skin and hair. Because black soap makes the skin dry, Shea butter can be used as a moisturizer to moisture the skin.

Shea butter helps to protect the skin from the sun. Against popular belief, Shea butter only maintains the skin color, and not make it dark.

Palm Kernel Oil

Palm kernel oil contains antioxidants that provides anti-aging benefits which is why it is a key ingredient in many soap and cream.

It makes the skin naturally soft and glossy. It also provides thorough conditioning for hair, thickens  hair and reduces hair fall by making it stronger.

Local Black Soup

Local black soap is anti-aging and works for all skin types, whether rough or sensitive. It works against wrinkles, removes spots and is great for removing makeup. Local black soap keeps the skin smooth and hydrated.

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