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Natural ways to get rid of dark underarm

The darkening of your underarms can be a result of different reasons ranging from deodorants, shaving, sweating, or the accumulation of dead skin cells therein.

No doubt, dark armpits can sometimes be embarrassing. However, getting rid of a dark armpit is not as difficult as many people make it seem. Studies have shown that there are a couple of natural ways to get rid of dark armpit but. Although you have to be dedicated and focused on taking each of the steps.

So here are 3 natural ways you can get rid of the dark armpit.

1. Tea Tree oil

The anti-microbial properties present in tea tree oil have proven it to be an excellent cure for darkened underarms. These properties can help to combat germs and ensure that your underarms stay free from bad odor.

To achieve this, add some water to tea tree oil to dilute it. Pour this mixture into an empty spray bottle and spray it on your underarms. Repeat this process daily for more effective results.

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2. Aloe-Vera

Do you know that the aloe vera plant is one plant that is very good for the skin in general? Yes, it is also good for whitening dark armpits. To use this plant, extract the juice and apply it to the armpit. Carefully massage and leave for about 15 minutes then rinse with clean water. Note that Rome was not built in a day so do this repeatedly until you begin to see changes.

3. Irish Potato

There are many health benefits attached or linked to most food products or plants we use and consume every day. Potato is one of the cheapest and effective ways to get rid of dark armpits. To do this, get your potatoes and blend them. Extract the juice and apply it to your armpits. Do this consistently to get good results.

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