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Nigeria can Feed Itself, Many African Countries – ActionAid

A civil rights organisation ActionAid Nigeria has called on partners, donors and stakeholders in the Public Finance for Agriculture project to sustain their financing interest, as more investments were needed in the agricultural sector. The Organisation also expressed optimism that Nigeria could feed itself and feed many countries in Africa, as agriculture used to be its main economic mainstream.

The Country director ActionAid Nigeria made the call in Abuja on Thursday. According to her, the country was so blessed with both natural and human resources and an extensive and available workforce. She said Nigeria must however, diversify its economy as agriculture presented a great opportunity for creating employment.

On his part, the Director of Partnership and Business Development, Plan International, urged the Federal Government to take the project from the level where the small scale holder farmers stopped. He said that this would make the small holder farmers across the country to benefit from incentives from both the federal and state governments.

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