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Nigerian food that can help reduce blood pressure

In Nigeria soups are used as sources with which to eat many of our foods especially the ones that involve swallowing. These soups are essentially part of the food we eat.

Some Nigerian soups contain ingredients that may help to reduce our blood pressure.


We already know that okra contains some soluble fiber, good oils and some vitamins. Soluble fiber is very good for blood pressure management.

So enjoy your okra soup, it’s very good when we add other vegetables into it to increase its nutritional value. An okra soup prepared with some oily fishes like mackerel, sardines,or herring is very good for your blood pressure.

Jute Leaf(ewedu).

Jute leaves (ewedu) is used both for cooking soups and also for preparing smoothie. It is very common among the Yorubas of the south western Nigeria.

The leaves is very rich in omega 3 fatty acids, soluble fiber, magnesium, zinc, calcium and phosphorus.

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These minerals present in ewedu makes it a very good food for our heart and blood pressure. Ewedi is also good for our bones because of the calcium and phosphorus in them.

Ewedu may help in people seeking for weight loss due to the soluble fiber in them. Jute Leaf may also help our brain and skin due the omega 3 fatty acids that is present in them.

Note. The meat and oil you use in the preparation of your Soup plays an important role in it’s effect on your body.

Use very good palm oil that doesn’t coagulates (sleep) to cook your soup and choose fish or chicken instead of red meat.

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