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No to military intervention and sanctions against Niger Republic – Islamic group

The Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) has stated its opposition to the sanctions imposed on Niger by ECOWAS following the coup in the country.

“…it is well known that such kinds of economic sanctions are counter-productive and eventually end in futility,” the NSCIA stated in a statement by its Deputy Secretary-General, Salisu Shehu.

The NSCIA, led by the Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Abubakar, also stated its opposition to using force to dislodge the putschists who ousted President Mohamed Bazoum from office last month. It is reported how ECOWAS imposed sanctions on Niger following the coup. The sanctions include the closure of air and land borders, freezing Niger’s accounts in ECOWAS central banks, and so on.

In its statement, NSCIA acknowledged that the coup leaders were defiant in their stance but called for dialogue in dealing with them.

The NSCIA is the most influential Islamic organisation in Nigeria where millions of Muslims consider the Sultan as their leader.

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Of recent, the Sultan was appointed as a member of a three-person team to negotiate with the coup leaders. The team was, however, humiliated by the coupists.

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