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Peju Johnson Reveals Unconventional Approach to Scaring Men Away: Financial Demands

Popular actress and movie producer, Peju Johnson, recently opened up about her unique strategy for deterring unwanted suitors. In a candid interview, Johnson confessed to making financial demands from men who express interest in dating her, as a means of driving them away.

The actress explained that while she acknowledges the questionable nature of such requests, she views it as an effective tactic to fend off persistent admirers. According to Johnson, her aim is to deter men who continue to pursue her despite her lack of interest, particularly those who bombard her with insincere declarations of love and affection.

In her own words, Johnson stated:

“I wouldn’t say it’s right (to make financial demands from men). But, I like to chase men away (from me) by making financial demands.”

Johnson further elaborated on her rationale, highlighting the frustration of dealing with persistent suitors who disregard her lack of interest and continue to pursue her. She particularly singled out married men who often seek only physical intimacy, despite her clear disinterest in such advances.

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Acknowledging the potential controversy surrounding her approach, Johnson justified her actions by emphasizing the effectiveness of using financial demands as a deterrent. Rather than resorting to outright blocking, she opts for this method to signal to unwanted suitors that their advances are unwelcome.

In conclusion, Johnson humorously remarked:

“One won’t see their ‘brake light’ after that.”

Johnson’s candid revelation sheds light on the complexities of navigating unwanted attention in the public eye, offering a glimpse into her unconventional approach to managing romantic advances.

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