
Putin’s Ally Dmitry Medvedev Lambasts US President Biden as “Mad” and a “Disgrace”

Dmitry Medvedev, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, launched a scathing attack on United States President Joe Biden, branding him a “mad” disgrace to America.

Medvedev’s criticism stemmed from Biden’s recent comparison of himself to Franklin D. Roosevelt during his State of the Union address. Biden invoked Roosevelt’s 1941 speech to Congress, portraying the current state of the union as an unprecedented turning point in history.

However, Medvedev vehemently disputed Biden’s comparison, asserting that Biden had no right to liken himself to Roosevelt. In a sharp rebuke posted online, Medvedev described Roosevelt as a figure who, despite physical infirmity, steered America out of the Great Depression. Conversely, he painted Biden as a mentally disabled individual intent on leading humanity into turmoil.

Accusing Biden of actively seeking to instigate World War III, Medvedev lambasted the US President for allegedly siding with fascists, contrasting Roosevelt’s fight against fascism.

Medvedev’s criticism reflects his evolution from a liberal modernizer during his presidency from 2008 to 2012 to an anti-Western Kremlin hawk aligned with Putin’s policies.

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The remarks from Putin’s ally underscore the escalating tensions between Russia and the United States, with Medvedev’s rhetoric adding fuel to the already strained relations between the two nations.

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