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Regina Askia Celebrates 54th Birthday With Dazzling Photos

Former beauty queen and Nollywood actress Regina Askia on Thursday surprised her fans with dazzling photos of herself dressed in a green gown as she celebrates her 54th birthday.

The mother of three shared the photos on Instagram with a goodwill message to herself.

“My “Thankful Thursday” birthday is here and I’m grateful. For both the trials and the joys, and all the moments that have indeed taken my breath away. It’s been a long, long road to this day and in all things, we give thanks. Let gratitude change your attitude. That, my friends is the key. Happy birthday to me! Much love from the Lady of the Manor, Chateau Regin.” she wrote.268044905 1058749114972461 6982003168633219371 n267897554 3459605584164270 1933963712527029951 n267198505 592624418517583 2953175257582692406 n267289734 338807581405420 895084692407232991 n267416693 447402967034575 6625837071619101308 n267766535 1580640532275986 2287652218414882855 n268236952 420258079462401 1940426388584102526 n267950222 280172897467522 1836222317787442391 n268633269 134786532309771 6948927951798562066 n

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