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Supposed Dead Covid Patient In Body Bag Comes Back To Life Just Before Being Cremated In China

A pensioner in China who was believed to have died from Covid has shocked everyone after he came back to life.

The  Covid patient, who was declared “dead” by nursing home staff, and was sealed in a body bag, came back to life just before being cremated.

Footage from China shows hazmat suited nurses carrying the body bag with the pensioner to a hearse to cremate him.

However, on their way there, there noticed movement coming from the bag.

They then unzipped the bag and found the man moving and very much alive.

It’s thought the man was then taken to hospital for a check up.

The incident occurred in the Putuo District of Shanghai on Sunday, May 1, and it is understood authorities have launched an urgent investigation into how the man ended up in the bag alive.


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