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Three possible causes of stretch marks on the body.

Some people might develop stretch marks on their body, and they might not like it. Stretch marks appears on the body as parallel lines, and they are different from your normal skin colour. Having stretch marks doesn’t mean you have any serious health problem. It might appear during pregnancy, or on youths who are growing quickly. Stretch marks usually disappear with time after it shows up on the body. Stretch marks can happen in parts of the body like arms, breast, thighs and stomach. Stretch marks can occur, when the skin stretches. When cortisone becomes excess in the body, it can make the skin lose its elasticity.

1. Pregnancy

Some women who are pregnant tend to have stretch marks because, the skin stretches itself to make room for the child in the stomach. When this continues, stretch marks can happen.

2. Weight gain or weight loss

Stretch marks can occur when someone gains or lose weight quickly. Some teenagers may notice this in their body, when they gain weight.

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3 Corticosteroid cream

This type of cream is used to treat inflammation of different part of the body. They help to treat allergic reactions. This cream can also cause stretch marks because, they decrease the skin’s ability to stretch.

Types of people that may develop stretch marks.

1. Pregnant women.

2 Someone who is overweight.

3. Someone who is gaining or losing weight quickly.

4. If you are using Corticosteroid medications.

Stretch marks is not a disease and it can disappear by itself with time. If you are not comfortable with it, you can visit a hospital for assistance.

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