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Training not s3x guarantees growth on job – Frederick Leonard

He discouraged actresses from offering s3x to their superiors in exchange for ‘success’ noting that growth could never be attained with that ‘technique’.

But encouraged the acquisition of the required set of skills for that job or business, stating it’s the only ingredient that could help any individual achieve growth.

To buttress his point, Freddie shared a video of the famous American veteran actor, Morgan Freeman giving an insight on how he was able to achieve all he’s done over the years.

The interview quizzed Freeman, saying: “Where did you learn how to speak so beautifully?”

The American actor replying, stated: “I went to school to study how to be an actor. And in that school, Los Angeles City College.

“I had a voice and diction instructor who was very good at his job. And so, you had to learn to speak and sound to your final consonants.”

Adopting Freeman’s success approach, Freddie argued only a person could by themselves impede their growth and success, not haters or even ‘village people’ (like they mostly claim in this clime).

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“You must get training for the job. If you are not growing in the business, it’s because you lack the required skill sets for the area where you seek GROWTH”, said Freddie.

“Not because you didn’t offer sex (the majority offer s3x and still don’t grow). Not because anyone hates you. Not because of your village people. It is Because of YOU.

“Stop making excuses and looking for who to blame.

“Producers can only offer you the platform to perform and if the QUALITY of your work is good?

The AUDIENCE WILL MAKE YOU A STAR. #nollywood is Not a Joke.”


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