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We’ll Take Greater Action Against Russia Soon – US

The United States of America has promised to slap further sanctions on Russia in the near future.

Additional sanctions against Russia will be taken “very soon,” according to State Department spokesman Ned Price.

When asked about Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s proposal for more G7 action against Russia in reaction to the recent alleged war crime in Bucha, he stated the following.

“When it comes to our sanctions, we’ve always said that we will continue applying pressure on President Putin, on the Kremlin, on all of those around him including oligarchs and cronies who are empowering this war of choice against Ukraine, until and unless the Kremlin deescalates, until and unless the violence diminishes, and until and unless these kinds of atrocities come to an end. So I suspect you will very soon see additional pressure applied,” Price told MSNBC Sunday.

“When it comes to these images out of Bucha, we have already assessed that Russia’s forces have committed war crimes.

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“What we’re doing, we are collecting information.”

Shocking images came to light from Bucha, Ukraine, Saturday by Agence France-Presse of at least 20 civilian men dead and lining a single street.
Asked about peace talks, Price said, “We have not seen any indication yet that the Russians are truly serious about deescalating this war.”

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